- Specialty Area (1646)
- Abuse (375)
- Academic Issues (313)
- ADHD (561)
- Adjustment Issues (516)
- Adoption Issues (132)
- Anger Management (327)
- Anxiety Disorders (1415)
- Attachment Disorders (134)
- Autism/Aspergers (147)
- Behavioral Problems (538)
- Chronic Illness/Pain (166)
- Depression (1318)
- Developmental Disabilities/ Disorders (169)
- Eating Disorders (204)
- Family Issues (630)
- Fears/Phobias (123)
- Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual/Transgender/LGBTQ+ Issues (205)
- General Counseling Services (769)
- Gifted Children (44)
- Grief/Death and Dying/Bereavement (500)
- Internet and Gaming Addiction (11)
- Medical Non-Compliance (37)
- Mood Disorders/ Bipolar Disorder (549)
- Neurological Disorders (41)
- Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (350)
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (93)
- Personality Disorder (203)
- Relationship Issues (564)
- Schizophrenia and Psychosis (100)
- Selective Mutism (16)
- Self Esteem (360)
- Self Harm (194)
- Sexual issues (181)
- Sleep Disorders (70)
- Somatoform Disorders (17)
- Substance Abuse (435)
- Toileting/ Encopresis Enuresis (27)
- Trauma (782)
- Trichotillomania (7)
- Therapy Type (1266)
- Art Therapy (66)
- Case Management/Community Psychiatric Supports and Treatment (CPST) (137)
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) (573)
- Custody Evaluation (25)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) (245)
- Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) (111)
- Family Therapy (534)
- Group Therapy (250)
- Hypnosis (10)
- Medication Management (145)
- Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) (55)
- Play Therapy (134)
- Psychiatric (407)
- Psychoanalysis (46)
- Psychological Assessment (401)
- Religion Oriented (104)
- Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy TF-CBT (136)
- Treatment Types (1460)
- Community Based (56)
- Day Treatment (Partial Hospitalization) (35)
- Hospitalization (11)
- Intensive Outpatient (52)
- Outpatient (1115)
- School Based (353)
- Telehealth (378)
Disclaimer: MindPeace makes no representation as to the quality or scope of a provider’s clinical practice. A patient must use their best judgment after careful discussion with their health care practitioner about the care that best suites their needs. This directory may not be used as a resource for verifying licensure or credentials of a provider.