For Graduating Seniors and Young Adults: Moving Forward: A Mental Wellness Guide for Seniors
Entering middle school or junior high is a stressful transition for students and can be especially difficult for children struggling with mental health challenges. Information on the process of transitioning mental health care from the elementary to the high school provider and how it can benefit your child can be found below. Email us if you have questions.
- Helping Your Child Transition to Middle School or Junior High (updated March 2024)
- Middle School/Junior High Lead Mental Health Partners (updated March 2024)
- Obtaining & Transitioning Mental Health Therapy (updated March 2024)
- Self Care Tips (updated March 2024)
Entering high school is a stressful transition for students and can be especially difficult for children struggling with mental health challenges. Information on the process of transitioning mental health care from the elementary to the high school provider and how it can benefit your child can be found below. Email us if you have questions.
- Helping Your Child Transition to High School (updated March 2024)
- High School Lead Mental Health Partners (updated March 2024)
- Obtaining & Transitioning Mental Health Therapy (updated March 2024)
- Self Care Tips (updated March 2024)
- For Juniors Going into their Senior Year of High School: Moving Forward A Mental Wellness Guide for Juniors (updated May 2024)
- For Graduating Seniors and Young Adults: Moving Forward: A Mental Wellness Guide for Seniors (updated March 2025)
Transitioning mental health services from the child system to the adult system can be difficult. Below are some resources to help you with the process.
- Tips for Team Meetings
- Your Rights on Campus
- College Accommodations
- Counseling and Disability Services at Local Colleges
- Accommodations at Work
- Additional resources and information are available at Transitions RTC
- Consider establishing a Health Care Power of Attorney when turning 18
NAMI published a newsletter with a collection of articles and resources for families about transitional aged youth (ages 16-24) titled “Negotiating the Transition-Age Years” Download the Newsletter ».
- Transition to Independence (TIP) Model: Lighting the Way to Independence for Youth and Young Adults
The mission of Transition to Independence Process (TIP) system is to assist young people with emotional/behavioral difficulties (EBD) in making a successful transition into adulthood, with all young people’s achieving, within their potential, their goals in the transition domains of employment, education, living situation, and community life. The TIP model is considered to be an evidence-supported practice based on six published studies that demonstrate improvement in real-life outcomes for youth and young adults with emotional/behavioral difficulties. - Transition Guide for Students with Disabilities
- Insurance Tip Sheet
These programs offer assistance for transitional aged youth in Hamilton County. All programs serve clients regardless of insurance type, but have separate requirements for eligibility.
Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services
Transitional Aged Youth Services
1501 Madison Road
Cincinnati, OH 45206
This program smooths the transition from children’s mental health services to adult mental health services for clients ages 16 – 22 who have been receiving services from the children’s system. The Transitional Aged Youth Program supports youth with their mental health and emotional issues, education, employment, housing and increasing natural supports.
Hamilton County Mental Health and Recovery Services Board
JOURNEY to Successful Living
2350 Auburn Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219
This program engages community partners, youth, young adults and families to support young adults with the transition to adult services, promote young adult voice and choice and coordinate and deliver services that meet the individual needs and differences of young adults and their families. Services that are offered include: case management, crisis/emergency services, diagnostic assessment, housing options including respite, and vocational and employment support.
Youth referred to JOURNEY must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Must be between the ages of 14 – 21 years old and a Hamilton County resident
- Limited functioning in the family, school or community;
- Have a mental health diagnosis as defined by the DSM-IV or subsequent revisions AND
- Be at risk for involvement with other systems, such as developmental disability services, child welfare, juvenile or adult criminal systems or have failed out of school.
IKRON Youth Services
2347 Vine Street
Cincinnati, OH. 45219
The integrated vocational programs help bridge the gap for youth, ages 14-24, transitioning to the world of work. The curriculum is designed to assist youth in planning a career, completing trial work experience (including IKRON’s Summer Youth Program), and obtaining & maintaining employment.
Help for Families with Medicaid
Your child will need to contact MHAP at 555-5888 to access and start services. MHAP is the “access door” to mental health services offered to the public in Hamilton County.
If you believe your child is Medicaid eligible but is not currently enrolled you can access information on Medicaid eligibility requirements and print a copy of the Medicaid application at
Your child will need to complete the Medicaid Application and bring (or mail) to:
Hamilton County Department of Job and Family Services
222 E. Central Pkwy., 1st Floor
Cincinnati, OH 45202
or Fax to (513) 946-1076
If your child is already enrolled in Medicaid services, MHAP will initiate the proper paper work necessary for transition. You will need to discuss transition plans and services that your child will need as an adult with your current providers. Providers can often suggest referrals for adult services. Here are some additional resources:
Financial Issues at Transition
If your child is already enrolled in Medicaid services, you will need to notify JFS of this child’s 18th birthday so that you can complete the proper paperwork required to continue their benefits.
Help for Families with Private Insurance
If your child is eligible to remain on your insurance, you will need to discuss with your current providers specific transition plans and services that your child will need as an adult. Providers can often suggest other local colleagues or providers that serve adults.
Financial Issues at Transition
You will need to check with your insurance carrier regarding your specific policy, though usually children are able to remain on parental insurance policies if they are continuing in educational pursuits. You may need to provide documentation of this to your insurance.
A guardianship is a relationship where one person has the legal authority and duty to care for another’s person or property, due to the other person’s minority, incapacity, or disability. The person who is incapacitated, disabled, or a minor is called the “ward.” The person who is appointed by the court to be responsible for the ward’s person or property is called the “guardian.”
A person can be rendered “incompetent” and can require a “guardian” if they are mentally impaired as a result of a mental or physical illness or disability, or mental retardation, or as a result of chronic substance abuse or if he or she is incapable of taking proper care of himself or herself, his or her property, or his or her family.
Application Process for Guardianships
An application for guardianship is filed in the probate court of the county where the proposed ward resides. The application must include a statement of the guardian’s willingness to perform as guardian. A bond may also be required. In the case of a prospective incompetent ward, the application must also include a statement of the ward’s mental and physical condition from a treating physician, psychiatrist, or licensed psychologist. The prospective ward and family members are notified of the impending guardianship and date and time of hearing. The court holds a hearing to determine: if a guardianship is necessary, to determine if the guardian is suitable, and to ensure that the guardian understands his or her duties.