Child Abuse Treatment Services at Family Nurturing Center encompass multiple program components. All services are free of charge as dictated by federal funding. An intake is required before beginning any program.
A.N.C.H.O.R. a 10-week program serving school-aged children who have experienced trauma or negative life events. A group of 6-10 kids meet during the school day for 50 minutes. To minimize impact to instruction, school staff members determine the best time for the students to:
- Develop coping skills
- Identify and understand feelings
- Determine effective ways to plan for safe and healthy futures
- Increase self-esteem
S.P.A.R.K. is a 12-week program serving children ages 4-18 who have experienced trauma, their siblings and parents/caregivers. Participants meet in a group setting among peers to understand how trauma has impacted them, to develop coping strategies to build resiliency, and empower one another to have healthy and safe futures. The sibling and parent/caregiver groups work simultaneously using a trauma-focused model to process the traumatic experience, learn effect family communication skills and better understand the disruption that traumatic experiences can have on daily life.
S.O.A.R. is a 12-week program serving adults who fell victim to childhood sexual abuse. Participants follow a guided curriculum that is designed to identify feelings, learn healthy coping skills and provide a platform of trust where they can feel safe sharing their story. The program teaches healthy relationship boundaries, effective communication skills and instills a variety of key fundamentals that transform adult victims into high-functioning survivors.
Individual and Family Counseling is also available to help children with a history of abuse/trauma (including physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse/neglect and witness to domestic violence). Our staff is trained in evidence-based therapies to address trauma, grief, and interactions between parent and child, including Trauma Focused-Cognitive Behavior Therapy (TF-CBT) and Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT).