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How MindPeace Can Help

MindPeace offers mental health solutions for youth, families and communities.

School-Based Mental Health

MindPeace helps local schools understand the mental health needs of their students and establish a behavioral health agency that can meet those needs.  After the partnership is formed, MindPeace continues involvement to ensure that all students have access to quality, affordable care.


MindPeace Rooms are not only used to help with deescalation, but are social emotional learning environments where students can learn to self-regulate their bodies and emotions.

MindPeace is the local expert creating, implementing and tracking the usage of these rooms.

Suicide Postvention/SERA

Supporting schools and their community after a loss of student by suicide has been an unfortunate need.  MindPeace partners with the community and SERA to help schools develop short and long term plans to ensure the entire school and its community are supported during these difficult times.

Support For


Access resources for your children’s mental health needs including counseling resources, services for children, family support and advocacy.

School Professionals

Find resources including classroom strategies, counseling support and crisis support as well as suggestions for involving parents.


Medical Professionals

Find resources including a mental health partner in the child’s neighborhood or in their local school system or order Therapy Referral Pads.



School site partners
Local school district partners
Behavioral health agency partners


“Cincinnati Public Schools partnership with MindPeace is immeasurably beneficial to our students and families.”

“The MindPeace partnership has considerably increased student access to quality mental health supports, especially for families that experience barriers to accessing treatment. MindPeace has worked tirelessly to establish and improve school mental health teams by collaboratively identifying local needs and unique barriers to treatment, as well as facilitating team problem solving for these issues.

The mental health network, established by MindPeace, has created a much-improved system for easily accessing services. These services have helped to improve school culture, behavior support, and understanding of mental health throughout our district. CPS’s partnership with MindPeace has enabled me to perform my role of school psychologist more effectively, as I can easily connect families with ongoing mental health treatment that is part of available supports in each Cincinnati Public School.”

Sara Maurer, School Psychologist
Cincinnati Public Schools

Facts Worth Considering

  • 1 in 6 U.S. youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year.¹

  • One-half of all chronic mental illness begins by the age of 14; three-quarters by age 24.¹

  • Over 31% of high school students reported that their mental health was most of the time or always not good.² 

Help for teens with mental heath disorders