*Indicates that this school district has a partnership with MindPeace and are as follows: Cincinnati Country Day, Cincinnati Public, Clermont Northeastern, Deer Park, Finneytown, Forest Hills, Great Oaks, Hamilton City, Indian Hill, Kings, Lakota, Lebanon, Lockland, Loveland, Madeira, Mariemont, Mason, Milford, Northwest, Oak Hills, Princeton, Reading, Ross, St. Bernard-Elmwood Place, Seven Hills, Southwest, St. Xavier, Sycamore, Ursuline Academy, West Clermont, Winton Woods, and Wyoming.
School District | School Name | Lead MH Agency Name | MH Team Lead Name | MH Team Lead Phone | MH Team Lead Email | Referral Form |
*Clermont Northeastern Local School District | TBD | |||||
*Deer Park City Schools | *Amity Primary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Deer Park City Schools | *Deer Park Junior-Senior High School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Finneytown Local School District | *Finneytown Elementary | Cataylst Counseling | Bethany Allison | (513) 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Finneytown Local School District | *Finneytown Secondary School | Cataylst Counseling | James R. Schmidt | (513) 202-3218 | jamesschmidt@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Anderson High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Kerri Schogield | (513) 752-1555 | kschofield@child-focus.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Ayer Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Kenzie Huber | (513) 752-1555 | khuber@child-focus.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Maddux Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Mary Gibson | (513) 752-1555 | mgibson@child-focus.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Mercer Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Abby Frank | (513) 752-1555 | afrank@child-focus.org | Child Focust |
*Forest Hills School District | Nagel Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Sarah Palmer | (513) 752-1555 | spalmer@child-focus.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Sherwood Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Summit Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Wilson Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Kenzie Huber | (513) 752-1555 | khuber@child-focus.org | |
*Forest Hills School District | Turpin High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Abby Frank | (513) 752-1555 | afrank@child-focus.org | Child Focus |
*Great Oaks Career Campus | *Laurel Oaks | TBD | ||||
*Great Oaks Career Campuses | *Diamond Oaks | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Great Oaks Career Campuses | *Scarlet Oaks | Catalyst Counseling | Caitlin Hancock | (513) 399-7276 | caitlinhancock@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | *St. Xavier | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Jarod Kees | jarod.kees@cchmc.org | ||
*Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | *The Seven Hills School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | *Ursuline Academy | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Colette Larson | Colette.Larson@cchmc.org | ||
*Hamilton City Schools | *Bridgeport Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Hamilton City Schools | *Brookwood Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Hamilton City Schools | *Crawford Wood Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Hamilton City Schools | *Fairwood Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Hamilton City Schools | *Garfield Middle School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | David Brand | David.Brand@cchmc.org | ||
*Hamilton City Schools | *Hamilton Freshman School | Cincinnati Children's | Tricia Smith | patricia.smith2@cchmc.org | ||
*Hamilton City Schools | *Hamilton High School | Cincinnati Children's | Alexis VanBibber | alexis.vanbibber@cchmc.org | ||
*Hamilton City Schools | *Highland Elementary | Wired to Bloom Therapy and Consulting | Sharon Wise | sharon@wiredtobloomtherapy.com f | ||
*Hamilton City Schools | *Linden | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Hamilton City Schools | *Ridgeway Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Hamilton City Schools | *Riverview | Necco | ||||
*Hamilton City Schools | *The Miami School | Community First | Josh Sams | jsams@hcsdoh.org | ||
*Hamilton City Schools | *Wilson Middle School | Cincinnati Children's | Tammy Woodyard-Powell | Tammy.Woodyard-Powell@cchmc.org | ||
*Indian Hill Exempted Village School District | *Indian Hill High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Rachel McCoy | Rachel.McCoy@cchmc.org | ||
*Indian Hill Exempted Village School District | *Indian Hill Middle School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Amy Bodley | Amy.Bodley@cchmc.org | ||
*Indian Hill Exempted Village School District | *Indian Hill Primary and Elementary School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Marisa Nyerges | Marisa.Nyerges@cchmc.org | ||
*Kings Local School District | *Columbia Intermediate | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Gina Ward | (513) 233-4731 | ghuff@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
*Kings Local School District | *J.F. Burns Elementary | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Gina Ward | (513) 233-4731 | ghuff@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
*Kings Local School District | *Kings High School | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Stephanie Born | (513) 233-4708 | sborn@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
*Kings Local School District | *Kings Junior High School | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Stephanie Born | (513) 233-4708 | sborn@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
*Kings Local School District | *Kings Mills Elementary | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Gina Ward | (513) 233-4731 | ghuff@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
*Kings Local School District | *South Lebanon Elementary | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Gina Ward | (513) 233-4731 | ghuff@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
*Lakota Local School District | *Adena Elementary | Cincinnati Children's | Tanisha Perine-Dixon | Tanisha.Perine-Dixon@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Cherokee Elementary | Cincinnati Children's | Brenda Day | Brenda.Day@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Creekside Early Childhood School | Cincinnati Children's | Dianna Himes | Dianna.Himes@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Endeavor Elementary | Cincinnati Children's | Christina Habel | Christina.Habel@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Freedom Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Danielle Kelley | Danielle.Kelley@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Heritage Early Childhood School | Cincinnati Children's | Jennifer Whatley | Jennifer.Whatley@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Hopewell Early Childhood School | Cincinnati Children's | Allie Calhoun | Allison.Calhoun@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Hopewell Jr. High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Kerry Chevalier | Kerry.Chevalier@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Independence Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Tony Gargano | Anthony.Gargano@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Lakota Central | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Brittany Judd | (513) 332-3240 | brittany.judd@cchmc.org | |
*Lakota Local School District | *Lakota East Freshman Campus | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Sarah Hager | (513) 635-4434 | Sarah.Hager@cchmc.org | |
*Lakota Local School District | *Lakota East High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Michelle Quarry | (513) 313-1803 | Michelle.Quarry@cchmc.org | |
*Lakota Local School District | *Lakota West High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Ellen Diersing | Ellen.Diersing@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Lakota West High School- Freshman Campus | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Amanda Beiting | Amanda.Beiting@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Liberty Early Childhood School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Jenny Whatley | Jennifer.Whatley@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Liberty Junior | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Andrea Mallory | (513) 635-5718 | Andrea.Mallory@cchmc.org | |
*Lakota Local School District | *Plains Jr. High School | Catalyst Counseling, LLC. | Dana Auer | (523) 399-6305 | danaauer@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Lakota Local School District | *Ridge Junior | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | Melissa Carmichael | (513) 835-4114 | melissa.carmichael@cchmc.org | |
*Lakota Local School District | *Shawnee ECS | Catalyst Counseling, LLC. | Dana Auer | (523) 399-6305 | danaauer@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Lakota Local School District | *Union Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Ellen Diersing | ellen.diersing@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Van Gorden Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Hannah McClellan | Hannah.McClellan@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Woodland Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Erica Daniels | Erica.Daniels@cchmc.org | ||
*Lakota Local School District | *Wyandot Early Childhood School | Catalyst Counseling | Jessica Byrd | (513) 900-1766 | jessicabyrd@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Lebanon City School District | *Berry Intermediate | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Allison Hunter | Alison.Gray@cchmc.org | ||
*Lebanon City School District | *Bowman Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Doren Cook | Doren.Cook@cchmc.org | ||
*Lebanon City School District | *Donovan Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Andrea Powers | Andrea.Powers@cchmc.org | ||
*Lebanon City School District | *Lebanon High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Brittany Cooper | brittany.cooper2@cchmc.org | ||
*Lebanon City School District | *Lebanon Junior High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Christina Rivers | Christina.Rivers@cchmc.org | ||
*Lockland School District | *Lockland Elementary | Catalyst Counseling | Bethany Allison | (513_ 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Lockland School District | *Lockland High School | Catalyst Counseling | Bethany Allison | (513_ 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Loveland School District | *Loveland Early Childhood Center | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Loveland School District | *Loveland Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Loveland School District | *Loveland High School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Loveland School District | *Loveland Intermediate | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Loveland School District | *Loveland Middle School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Loveland School District | *Loveland Primary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Madeira City Schools District | *Madeira Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Rebecca Lammers | Rebecca.Lammers@cchmc.org | ||
*Madeira City Schools District | *Madeira High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Kathryn Yoder | Kathryn.Yoder@cchmc.org | ||
*Madeira City Schools District | *Madeira Middle School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Nicole Snyder | Nicole.Snyder@cchmc.org | ||
*Mariemont City Schools | *Mariemont Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Caroline Crick | 513-752-1555 | ccrick@child-focus.org | |
*Mariemont City Schools | *Mariemont High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Taylor Weaver | 513-752-1555 | tweaver@child-focus.org | |
*Mariemont City Schools | *Mariemont Junior High | Child Focus, Inc. | Stephanie Picard | 513-752-1555 | spicard@child-focus.org | |
*Mariemont City Schools | *Terrace Park Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Maddie Neubecker | 513-752-1555 | mneubecker@child-focus.org | |
*Mason City School District | *Mason City Middle School | Cincinnati Children's | Jennifer McNiese | Jennifer.McNiese@cchmc.org | ||
*Mason City School District | *Mason Early Childhood Center | Cincinnati Children's | Suzanne Takas | Suzanne.Takas@cchmc.org | ||
*Mason City School District | *Mason Elementary | Cincinnati Children's | Alysha Haury | Alysha.Haury@cchmc.org | ||
*Mason City School District | *Mason Intermediate | Cincinnati Children's | Alechia Bryant | Alechia.Bryant@cchmc.org | ||
*Mason City School District | *William Mason High School | Cincinnati Children's | Amanda Stratton | amanda.stratton@cchmc.org | ||
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Boyd E. Smith Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Charles L. Seipelt Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | McCormick Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Meadowview Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Milford High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Milford Jr. High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Mulberry Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Pattison Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Milford Exempted Village School District | Success Academy | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
*Northwest Local School District | *Colerain Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Colerain High School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Colerain Middle School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Monfort Heights | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Northwest High School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Pleasant Run Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Pleasant Run Middle School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Struble Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *Taylor Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Northwest Local School District | *White Oak Middle | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Oak Hills Local School District | *Bridgetown Middle School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Lauren Greene | lauren.greene@cchmc.org | ||
*Oak Hills Local School District | *C.O. Harrison Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Michelle Schuck | michelle.schuck@cchmc.org | ||
*Oak Hills Local School District | *Delhi Middle School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Liz Schaller | elizabeth.schaller@cchmc.org | ||
*Oak Hills Local School District | *Delshire Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Tess Fox | Tess.Fox@cchmc.org | ||
*Oak Hills Local School District | *JF Dulles Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Kelly Gehring | kelly.gehring@cchmc.org | ||
*Oak Hills Local School District | *Oak Hills High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Emily Meyer | Emily.Meyer@cchmc.org | ||
*Oak Hills Local School District | *Oakdale Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Courtney Fleissner | (513) 477-5560 | Courtney.Fleissner@cchmc.org | |
*Oak Hills Local School District | *Rapid Run Middle School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Sarah Godfrey | Sarah.Godfrey@cchmc.org | ||
*Oak Hills Local School District | *Springmyer Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Britney Bruce | Britney.Bruce@cchmc.org | ||
*Princeton City Schools | *Evendale Elementary | |||||
*Princeton City Schools | *Heritage Hill Elementary | |||||
*Princeton City Schools | *Lincoln Heights Elementary | Lighthouse Youth Services | Ashley Frazier | (513) 487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
*Princeton City Schools | *Princeton High School | Talbert House | Debra Frump | (513) 667-4218 | Debra.Frump@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Princeton City Schools | *Princeton Middle School | Talbert House | Elyssa King | (513) 653-2040 | Elyssa.King@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Princeton City Schools | *Sharonville Elementary | Talbert House | Kimberly Williams | (513) 497-5008 | Kimberly.Williams@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Princeton City Schools | *Springdale Elementary | Talbert House | Jennifer Schmahl | (513) 653-2012 | Jennifer.Schmahl@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Princeton City Schools | *Stewart Elementary | Lighthouse Youth Services | Ashley Frazier | (513) 487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
*Princeton City Schools | *Woodlawn Elementary | |||||
*Reading Community Schools | *Reading Community Schools | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Ross Local Schools | *Elda Elementary | Catalyst Counseling LLC | Bethany Allison | (513) 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Ross Local Schools | *Morgan Elementary School | Catalyst Counseling, LLC. | Bethany Allison | (513) 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Ross Local Schools | *Ross High School | Catalyst Counseling, LLC. | Bethany Allison | (513) 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Ross Local Schools | *Ross Middle School | Catalyst Counseling, LLC. | Bethany Allison | (513) 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
*Southwest Local School District | Crosby Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Southwest Local School District | Harrison Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Southwest Local School District | Harrison Junior School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Southwest Local School District | Miami Whitewater Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Southwest Local School District | Southwest Early Learning Center | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*Southwest Local School District | William Henry Harrison High School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools | *St. Bernard Elementary | Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services | Carlie Yersky | (513) 850-7157 | cyersky@gcbhs.com | |
*St. Bernard-Elmwood Place City Schools | *St. Bernard-Elmwood Place High School | Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services | Carlie Yersky | (513) 850-7157 | cyersky@gcbhs.com | |
*Sycamore Community Schools | *Blue Ash Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Mary Hill | mary.hill@cchmc.org | ||
*Sycamore Community Schools | *E.H. Greene Intermediate | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Ariel Smallwood | Ariel.Smallwood@cchmc.org | ||
*Sycamore Community Schools | *Maple Dale Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Renee Bernecker | (513) 686-1720 ext. 1302 | Tera.Bernecker@cchmc.org | |
*Sycamore Community Schools | *Montgomery Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Karen Celesti | Karen.Celesti@cchmc.org | ||
*Sycamore Community Schools | *Symmes Elementary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Erica Koe-Krompecher | Erica.Koe-Krompecher@cchmc.org | ||
*Sycamore Community Schools | Sycamore High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Laura Capannari | laura.capannari@cchmc.org | ||
*Sycamore Community Schools | Sycamore Junior High | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Kelsie McKinney | kelsie.mckinney@cchmc.org | ||
*West Clermont Local Schools | RISE Program | Best Point | Intake Speciallist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*West Clermont School District | Amelia Elementary School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*West Clermont School District | Clough Pike Elementary School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*West Clermont School District | Holly Hill Elementary School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*West Clermont School District | Merwin Elementary School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*West Clermont School District | Summerside Elementary School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*West Clermont School District | West Clermont High School | Best Point | Intake Speciallist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
*West Clermont School District | West Clermont Middle School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*West Clermont School District | Willowville Elementary School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*West Clermont School District | Withamsville-Tobascco Elementary School | Necco | (513) 252-0248 | |||
*Winton Woods City Schools | Winton Woods Central | Talbert House | TBD | |||
*Winton Woods City Schools | Winton Woods Elementary South | Talbert House | Amanda Krodel | (513) 497-5711 | Amanda.krodel@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Winton Woods City Schools | Winton Woods High School- North Campus | Talbert House | TBD | Talbert House | ||
*Winton Woods City Schools | Winton Woods Intermediate South | Talbert House | Amanda Krodel | (513) 497-5711 | Amanda.krodel@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Winton Woods City Schools | Winton Woods Middle School North | Talbert House | James Hunter | (513) 720-7250 | James.Hunter@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Winton Woods City Schools | Winton Woods Primary School- South Campus | Talbert House | Amanda Krodel | (513) 497-5711 | Amanda.krodel@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
*Wyoming City School District | *Wyoming High School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | ||||
*Wyoming City School District | *Wyoming Middle School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | ||||
*Wyoming City School District | *Wyoming Primary | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | ||||
Batavia Schools | Batavia Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Batavia Schools | Batavia High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Batavia Schools | Batavia Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Bethel-Tate Local Schools | Bethel High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Bethel-Tate Local Schools | Bethel Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Bethel-Tate Local Schools | Bick Primary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Bethel-Tate Local Schools | Hill Intermediate School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Butler Technology and Career Development Schools | Butler Tech | Catalyst Counseling | Danielle Williamson | (513) 868-6300 | ||
East Clinton Local Schools | East Clinton High School | Solutions | Julie Knueven | (513) 228-7800 | jknueven@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
East Clinton Local Schools | East Clinton Middle School | Solutions | Julie Knueven | (513) 228-7800 | jknueven@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
East Clinton Local Schools | New Vienna Elementary | Solutions | Julie Knueven | (513) 228-7800 | jknueven@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
East Clinton Local Schools | Sabina Elementary | Solutions | Julie Knueven | (513) 228-7800 | jknueven@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
Edgewood City Schools | Babeck Elementary | Catalyst Counseling | Sara Barter | (513) 268-8898 | sarabarter@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Edgewood City Schools | Edgewood Elementary | Catalyst Counseling | Sara Barter | (513) 268-8898 | sarabarter@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Edgewood City Schools | Edgewood High School | Catalyst Counseling | Sara Barter | (513) 268-8898 | sarabarter@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Edgewood City Schools | Edgewood Middle School | Catalyst Counseling | Miranda Baker | (513) 283-9809 | mirandabaker@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Edgewood City Schools | Seven Mile Elementary School | Catalyst Counseling | Sara Barter | (513) 268-8898 | sarabarter@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Fairfield City Schools | Fairfield City Schools (All) | NewPath | (513) 741-5690 | |||
Fayetteville Perry School District | Fayetteville Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Fayetteville Perry School District | Fayetteville High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Fayetteville Perry School District | Fayetteville Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Felicity-Franklin Local School District | Felicity Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Felicity-Franklin Local School District | Felicity High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Felicity-Franklin Local School District | Felicity Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Franklin School District | Anthony Wayne Elementary | Catalyst | Kim Kleinhans | (937) 668-9153 | kimberlykleinhans@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Franklin School District | Franklin High School | Catalyst | Kim Kleinhans | (937) 668-9153 | kimberlykleinhans@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Franklin School District | Franklin Junior High School | Catalyst | Kim Kleinhans | (937) 668-9153 | kimberlykleinhans@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Franklin School District | Gerke Elementary | Catalyst | Kim Kleinhans | (937) 668-9153 | kimberlykleinhans@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Franklin School District | Hunter Elementary | Catalyst | Kim Kleinhans | (937) 668-9153 | kimberlykleinhans@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Franklin School District | Pennyroyal Elementary | Catalyst | Kim Kleinhans | (937) 668-9153 | kimberlykleinhans@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Franklin School District | Schenck Elementary | Catalyst | Kim Kleinhans | (937) 668-9153 | kimberlykleinhans@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Goshen Local School District | Goshen High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Goshen Local School District | Goshen Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Goshen Local School District | Spaulding Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Great Oaks Career Campus | Live Oaks Vocational School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Greater Cincinnati Charter Schools | Best Point Lower School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Greater Cincinnati Charter Schools | Best Point Upper School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Greater Cincinnati Charter Schools | Cincinnati College Preparatory Academy | Beech Acres | Chandra Hyman | (513) 231-6630 | chyman@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Charter Schools | Horizon Science Academy | Talbert House | Izella Pollard | (513) 221-4673 ext. 2016 | ||
Greater Cincinnati Charter Schools | Lighthouse Community School | Lighthouse Youth Services | Ashley Frazier | (513) 487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
Greater Cincinnati Charter Schools | Mt. Auburn Preparatory Academy | Lighthouse Youth Services | Ashley Frazier | (513) 487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
Greater Cincinnati Charter Schools | Riverside Academy | Lighthouse Youth Services | Ashley Frazier | (513) 487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
Greater Cincinnati Private School | *Cincinnati Country Day | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Jennifer Johnson | Jennifer.Johnson@cchmc.org | ||
Greater Cincinnati Private School | Badin High School | Catalyst Counseling | Lauren Rosenberger | |||
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | *Mercy Montessori School | Catalyst Counseling | Bethany Allison | (513) 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | *St. Francis DeSales | Central Clinic | Kelly Morehead | (513) 546-3947 | moreheke@centralclinic.org | |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | Corryville Catholic | Beech Acres | Paulina Rosequist | (513) 233-4849 | prosequist@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | DePaul Cristo Rey High School | Beech Acres | Jordyn Calhoun | (513) 233-4876 | jcalhoun@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | Holy Family | Beech Acres | Amanda McDermott | (513) 231-6630 | amcdermott@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | Our Lady of Grace | Beech Acres | Tera Lampe | (513) 233-4874 | tlampe@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | Purcell Marian | Beech Acres | Stephanie Born | (513) 233-4708 | sborn@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | Romero Academy at Resurrection | Central Clinic | Pamela Bowers | bowerpam@centralclinic.org | Central Clinic | |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | St. Boniface School | Beech Acres | Mariah Kern | (513) 233-4683 | mkern@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | St. Clement School | Beech Acres | Mariah Kern | (513) 233-4683 | mkern@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | St. Lawrence | Beech Acres | Amanda McDermott | (513) 231-6630 | amcdermott@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | St. Rita School for the Deaf | NewPath | (855) 577-7284 | |||
Greater Cincinnati Private Schools | St. William | Beech Acres | Amanda McDermott | (513) 231-6630 | amcdermott@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Little Miami School District | Little Miami High School | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Laura Thesing | (513) 233-4779 | lthesing@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Little Miami School District | Little Miami Intermediate | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Laura Thesing | (513) 233-4779 | lthesing@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Little Miami School District | Little Miami Junior High School | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Laura Thesing | (513) 233-4779 | lthesing@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Little Miami School District | Salem Elementary | Beech Acres Parenting Center | Laura Thesing | (513) 233-4779 | lthesing@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Madison Local School District | Madison Elementary School | Talbert House | Rebecca Zeiser | (513) 676-1018 | Rebecca.Zeiser@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Madison Local School District | Madison Jr./Sr. High School | Catalyst Counseling | Bethany Allison | (513_ 857-2407 | bethanyallison@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Mt. Healthy School District | Mt. Healthy Junior/Senior High School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Mt. Healthy School District | Mt. Healthy North Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Mt. Healthy School District | Mt. Healthy South Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
New Richmond Exempted Village School District | Locust Corner Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
New Richmond Exempted Village School District | New Richmond High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
New Richmond Exempted Village School District | New Richmond Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
New Richmond School District | Monroe Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
New Richmond School District | New Richmond Elementary | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
North College Hill City Schools | North College Hill Elementary | NewPath | (855) 577-7284 | |||
North College Hill City Schools | North college Hill High School | NewPath | (855) 577-7284 | |||
North College Hill City Schools | North College Hill Middle School | NewPath | (855) 577-7284 | |||
Norwood City Schools | Norwood High School | Talbert House | Doug Copes | (513) 338-8597 | Douglas.Copes@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Norwood City Schools | Norwood Middle School | Talbert House | Doug Copes | (513) 338-8597 | Douglas.Copes@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Norwood City Schools | Norwood View Elementary | Talbert House | Doug Copes | (513) 338-8597 | Douglas.Copes@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Norwood City Schools | Sharpsburg Elementary | Talbert House | Doug Copes | (513) 338-8597 | Douglas.Copes@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Norwood City Schools | Williams Elementary | Talbert House | Doug Copes | (513) 338-8597 | Douglas.Copes@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Ripley Union Lewis Huntington School District | RULH Elementary School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Ripley Union Lewis Huntington School District | RULH High School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Ripley Union Lewis Huntington School District | RULH Middle School | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Springboro Community Schools | Clearcreek Elementary | Catalyst Counsling | Brandi Bryant | (937) 432-7360 | brandibryant@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Springboro Community Schools | Dennis Elementary | Catalyst Counsling | Brandi Bryant | (937) 432-7360 | brandibryant@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Springboro Community Schools | Five Points Elementary | Catalyst Counsling | Brandi Bryant | (937) 432-7360 | brandibryant@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Springboro Community Schools | Springboro High | Catalyst Counsling | Brandi Bryant | (937) 432-7360 | brandibryant@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Springboro Community Schools | Springboro Intermediate | Catalyst Counsling | Brandi Bryant | (937) 432-7360 | brandibryant@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Springboro Community Schools | Springboro Jr. High | Catalyst Counsling | Brandi Bryant | (937) 432-7360 | brandibryant@catalystcounselingllc.org | |
Talawanda Schools | Kramer Elementary | Primary Health Solutions | Best Point | |||
Talawanda Schools | Marshall Elementary | Primary Health Solutions | Best Point | |||
Talawanda Schools | Talawanda High School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Talawanda Schools | Talawanda Middle School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Three Rivers School District | Taylor High School | Best Point | Intake Speciallist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Three Rivers School District | Three Rivers Educational Campus | Best Point | Intake Specialist | (513) 272-2800 | referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Twin Valley Community Local Schools | Twin Valley Community Local Schools | NewPath | (513) 741-5690 ext. 2214 | |||
Williamsburg School District | Williamsburg-all schools | Child Focus, Inc. | Krissie Myers | (513) 752-1555 | kmyers@child-focus.org | |
Wilmington City School District | Denver Place Elementary | Solutions | Michelle Evans | (513) 228-7800 | mevans@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
Wilmington City School District | East End Elementary | Solutions | Michelle Evans | (513) 228-7800 | mevans@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
Wilmington City School District | Holmes Elementary | Solutions | Michelle Evans | (513) 228-7800 | mevans@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
Wilmington City School District | Wilmington High School | Solutions | Michelle Evans | (513) 228-7800 | mevans@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |
Wilmington City School District | Wilmington Middle School | Solutions | Michelle Evans | (513) 228-7800 | mevans@solutionsccrc.org | Solutions |