CPS CLC | Lead MH Agency | MH Liaison Name | MH Liaison Phone | MH Liaison Email | Referral Form |
Aiken HS | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
AMIS | Central Clinic | Intake Specialist | 513-558-5878 | Central Clinic | |
AWL | Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | Kelsey Michel-Shah | kelsey.michel@cchmc.org | ||
Bond Hill Academy | Talbert House | Stacey Smith | 513-338-3005 | Stacey.Smith@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Carson | Poppy's Therapeutic Corner | Karisma Hazel | 513-570-4068 | karisma@poppystherapeuticcorner.com | Poppy's Therapeutic Corner |
CANS | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Chase | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Cheviot | Beech Acres | Eric Bush | 513-231-6630 | ebush@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Cincinnati Digital Academy | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Clark Montessori HS | TriHealth & Cincinnati Children's | Laura Deitzel | 513-363-7156 | laura.deitzel@cchmc.org | |
College Hill | Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services | Carlie Yersky | 513-850-7157 | cyersky@gcbhs.com | Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services |
Covedale | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Dater High School | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services | Ashley Frazier | 513-487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
Dater Montessori | Beech Acres | LaTisha Eversmann | 513-233-4805 | leversmann@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Douglass | Talbert House | ||||
Ethel Taylor | Butterfly Support Services | Geane'ea Lindsey | 513-289-6026 | Lindsey@butterflyss.org | |
Evanston Academy | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Fairview-Clifton German Language School | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | Suzanne Domizio | Suzanne.Domizio@cchmc.org | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | |
Gamble Montessori Elementary | Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health | Carlie Yersky | 513-850-7157 | cyersky@gcbhs.com | Greater Cincinnati Behavioral Health Services |
Gamble Montessori HS | Central Clinic | Kelly Morehead | 513-546-3947 | Moreheke@centralclinic.org | Central Clinic |
Hartwell | Central Clinic | Andy Piepmeier | 513-708-6232 | piepmeA@cps-k12.org | Central Clinic |
Hays-Porter Elementary | Beech Acres | Eric Bush | 513-231-6630 | ebush@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Hughes HS | TBD | ||||
Hyde Park | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
JP Parker | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Kilgour | Child Focus, Inc. | Kelsey Folzenlogen | 513-752-1555 | KFolzenlogen@child-focus.org | Child Focus, Inc. |
LEAP | Central Clinic | Heather Lovitt | lovitthm@centralclinic.org | Central Clinic | |
Lighthouse | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services | Ashley Frazier | 513-487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
Midway | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services | Ashley Frazier | 513-487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
Mt. Airy | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Mt. Washington | Beech Acres | Paulina Rosequist | prosequist@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center | |
North Avondale Montessori | TriHealth | Gwyn Griffiths | 513-363-3945 | griffig@cpsboe.k12.oh.us | TriHealth |
Oyler (K-12) | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Parker Woods Montessori | TriHealth | Jessica Wagner | 513-363-6256 | jessica_wagner@trihealth.com | TriHealth |
Pleasant Hill | Central Clinic | Andy Piepmeier | 513-708-6232 | piepmea@cpsboe.k12.oh.us | Central Clinic |
Pleasant Ridge Montessori | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Rees E. Price | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Rising Stars (Vine St.) | Contact MindPeace | 513-803-0844 | info@mindpeacecincinnati.com | ||
Rising Stars (Carthage) | Central Clinic | Central Clinic | |||
Rising Stars (Cheviot Westwood) | Contact MindPeace | 513-803-0844 | info@mindpeacecincinnati.com | ||
Riverview East (9-12) | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Roberts | Central Clinic | Dawson Linn | Linndaws@centralclinic.org | Central Clinic | |
Rockdale | Poppy's Therapeutic Corner | Karisma Hazel | 513-570-4068 | karisma@poppystherapeuticcorner.com | Poppy's Therapeutic Corner |
Roll Hill | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Roselawn Condon | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Rothenberg | UMADAOP | Allyson Williams | 513-541-7099 x103 | allwill@cincyumadaop.org | |
Sands Montessori | Beech Acres | Allie Damron | 513-233-4807 | adamron@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
Sayler Park | Beech Acres | Allie Damron | 513-233-4807 | adamron@beechacres.org | Beech Acres Parenting Center |
SCPA (K-12) | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Shroder HS | Talbert House | Doug Copes | 513-338-8597 | Douglas.Copes@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Silverton | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
South Avondale | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Spencer Center | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Taft Elementary | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Taft HS | UMADAOP | Dora George-Chappell | 513-541-7099 x113 | dorcha@cincyumadaop.org | |
Virtual School | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Walnut Hills HS | Cincinnati Children's Hospital | TBD | |||
Western Hills HS | Lighthouse Youth Services | Ashley Frazier | 513-487-6705 | integratedaccess@lys.org | Lighthouse Youth & Family Services |
Westwood | Talbert House | Jenny Bange | 513-520-8501 | Jennifer.Bange@talberthouse.org | Talbert House |
Winton Hills | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Withrow HS | Poppy's Therapeutic Corner | Karisma Hazel | 513-570-4068 | karisma@poppystherapeuticcorner.com | Poppy's Therapeutic Corner |
Woodford | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
Woodward HS | Best Point | Intake Specialist | 513-272-2800 | Referrals@bestpoint.org | Best Point |
CPS School Based Mental Health Teamswebmaster2024-09-20T16:28:19-04:00
Visits are offered in-person and through Telehealth. Please contact the lead mental health partner at your school to find an option that works best for you.